Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Theres Signs

So it has been a few weeks since I've posted anything... I've been trying to figure out for about a week now when I could post (I'm bad and post while at work!) and what I can post about. Opened one of my daily blogs I read and she was calling herself out on her own shit, perfect for me. I've been at a stand still and have been loosening up the reigns for about 3ish weeks. Opened my google email and saw that someone commented on one of my posts! It said, I see its been about 3 weeks but I hope you're reaching your goals, perfect again.

Sooo... I'll start with calling myself on my own shit. I started this hard work train about December/January-ish. I went hard for a good period of time, longer than I normally do when I do good and stick with it. I've lost about 15lbs since then! Great for me! I let myself get a pedicure, I set that as my 15lb goal. I LOVE pedis, rarely get them because of time and money but none the less, I LOVE them. I told myself, every 15lbs I lose I will reward myself with a pedi. Fair deal. I got my last one in about 2 1/2 months from my start date. I should be getting due for one in about a month. JUST KIDDING. After that first 15lbs I apparently forgot what I NEED to do to hold myself responsible and lose weight. I've still been tracking on MFP and I have still been working 4-5 days a week. JUST KIDDING again. Those 4-5 pieces of chocolate I pop in my mouth on the way to the restroom each day at work, oopps, I forgot to log them. Those 5 chips with salsa I ate last night before I went to bed when the hubby was snacking, ooppps, I forgot to log them. That ice cream bar I ate the other night, the cheesy garlic bread I ate along with the pizza we ordered, the macaroni salad I shoveled in while packing hubby's lunch for the next day. Yeah. Lets just say I haven't been 100% real with myself for at least 3 weeks. STARTING TODAY, SHIT IS GOING TO GET REAL! 100% real and honest with MFP! As far as my workouts go, I really have been working out 4-5 days a week. I am not pushing myself to my full potential though. When I started this process I had a gym membership because the hubby was home and I could go in the morning and it was winter and no one in Ohio, wants to workout outside in the winter. I went harder at the gym then when I do at home alone. I also found a walking partner here at work, we walk at least 3 days a week on our lunch hour. It is so nice to have someone hold you accountable and count on you to exercise with them. It keeps us both motivated and makes me feel guilty if I feel like skipping or don't want to go. I was also taking a Body Pump class (if you have one near you and can lift, you need to try it). I LOVED it. I love classes, I feel it just holds me accountable and if I know the people in it, that helps too! I feel that Body Pump did so much for me. I didn't realize the impact of lifting until I took that class. That class is now over. Sad Face. In turn, I've been totally slacking on the lifting part of my workouts. I would lift at the gym and I even went out and bought myself a heavier set of dumbbells for home. While I was at the gym with my membership, I started the couch 2 5k training program. It is an app on my iPod I love. I read all of these blogs and all of them are 'runners'. I have NEVER been a runner. Shit, when I tried out for volleyball in high school, we had to run a mile, I thought I was going to die. I got cut from the team and didn't think it was all that bad because I couldn't run and I am fat and wouldn't look good in the spandex they had to wear. Anyway, I want to be a runner. I mean, not like a marathon runner or even a half marathon runner, I'll settle for a 5k, run the ENTIRE thing and not die. That is my goal. I signed up for this 5k in August called Run or Dye. It is a color run. My 2 best friends have signed up to do this with me. Side note about my 2 BFFs- one is a skinny little thing and will probably just go out and 'wing it' and survive the 3.1 miles, no issues; my other BFF relates to me on this whole weight loss thing. We've been down this road 100 times, motivating each other, having challenges, reporting our weigh ins to each other, blahblahblah. Well, she recently lost 100lbs. HOLY SHIT! I've got at least 100 to lose from where I am now (not to mention, I am trying to get preggers again, so I'm sure I'll add to that 100). So needless to say, when I did my 'training' the other day I text my one friend and told her, I hope you bitches can keep up with my 15 1/2 minute mile. Yes. I said that. Right now, I'm doing a 15 1/2 minute mile in my training. I obviously am planning to not really be that slow by the time August comes (if I live through the training).  But with that 15 minute mile is some walking because the training is a combo of walking and running/jogging. My 'run' looks like a fast walk. Go ahead, make fun. Now that I've totally lost you with all of this rambling, I'll get back to my point of calling my shit out about exercise. Moral of the story is for me, at this point in time, I am not holding myself 100% responsible on my food and I am not working out to my full potential. Today is the day I change that. I normally weigh in on Mondays. I am changing that to Wednesdays because Mondays are rough for me- ok, the weekends have been rough. I will start logging EVERY. SINGLE. THING. that goes into my mouth. I am going to start working out hard like I used to. I actually cancelled my lunch plans today because I have plans tonight and I didn't get my ass out of bed this morning to work out. I will be walking on my lunch hour today. I am going to start lifting my weights again. NO. MORE. EXCUSES. This past weekend, I used the excuse 'my hubby had to work all weekend so I didn't get my workouts in'. Well, no more. Suck it up buttercup. You need to change your ass! There is always 30 minutes somewhere that I can fit in some sort of movement. Today with this blog, I will admit type my weight. 244.4. That was yesterday's weigh in number. I will blog each week with my weigh in. I will type that number. I will remember when I lose more and am a 'runner' where I started. I will remember when I am down 20, 30, 40, 50 lbs and feel like I can't move or do anything, what I did when I was 244.4 lbs. I. WILL. DO. THIS.

To the person that commented on my blog and hopes that I am reaching my goals. Thanks. I truly didn't think anyone would ever read this. I've been inspired lately by a lot of blogs I've been reading. I thought, what the hell, I'll start one too. Document my weight loss and getting pregnant and have some sort of accountability for myself with eating/exercising. To comment on your comment: I have not reached my goals. I got my first 15lbs and should be well on my way to my 2nd pedi but I am not. I am stalled. I am not energized and excited like I was in the beginning. I am also changing that today. I will push myself further and make the time for the 30 minute work out. I deserve this. I need this. I want this. I. WILL. DO. THIS.

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